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Why WebTV

By Frank Solis

...continued. WebTV allows you to do practically everything a computer can do on the net - such as purchasing books and other merchandise from your living room, buying and selling stocks electronically, gathering all kinds of information, and doing the many things this doorway to the world opens up to you.

Why should you purchase this device? WebTV's biggest advantages are its low initial cost and its convenience. Prices range from $150.00 for the Classic to $250.00 for the Plus - (keyboard included in price) - substantially lower than the investment you would make for a personal computer. The cost of internet hookup can range from a low of $10.00 to a high of $25.00 depending on which model you have, and whether you use your own ISP. The cost is low enough that many use it mainly to keep in touch with family and friends who reside in far off places. More important to some is the convenience. You can sit on your sofa, view your large-screen TV, and partake of the web community's activities. With WebTV it's not necessary to sit at a desk, confined to one spot. It can do practically everything a computer can on the 'net, additionally, there are some interesting and exciting advantages that can only be obtained with WebTV.

  • Many computer users install a second phone line so their friends do not get a busy signal during the many hours they're connected to the 'net. Only one line is required with WebTV. It interrupts the screen allowing you to either make or receive a call. When done, WebTV reconnects to the same screen you left. The computer user is forced to either pay the high costs of DSL or cable connection, or obtain a second phone line which may run an additional $8.00 - $14.00 a month.

  • WebTV allows you to set an option to retrieve email automatically at the time of day you choose. If new mail hasn't been accessed by that time, a red light notifies you that you have messages - even when the unit is turned off. On the other hand, computer users have to call up their mail program to find out if new mail has arrived.

  • There's no hunching over a computer desk peering into a screen, arm and shoulder aching from manipulating the mouse for hours on end. With the remote keyboard, you can sit on the sofa or an easy chair, get a soda, or walk around all while accessing the 'net. Of course, if you're doing any kind of typing, you may lose a letter or two in the dog's tail as he strolls between the keyboard and the box.

  • No need to practice the hand-to-eye coordination that is required with a mouse. WebTV will jump to clickable locations on a page with the use of the arrow keys or the TAB key.

  • Email can include colorful, interesting backgrounds and images as part of the senders' signature. This has become a serious art among WebTV users. Scads of newsgroups display and promote this form of self-expression. Unfortunately, some computer systems, such as AOL or Unix, can't view HTML-enriched signatures and can only view text. Fortunately, WebTV includes an option to remove the signature on individual emails as needed.

  • Updates and improvements are automatically incorporated from the central server without additional cost.

  • Connecting the WebTV box through a VCR allows collecting (on video tape) of pictures, email and anything that is on your screen. Permanent records or slide shows of pictures are easily constructed. The tapes can be passed around or mailed to others.

  • Joining WebTV gives users access to hundreds of newsgroups that are not available to non-WebTV subscribers. Individual groups specialize in almost any topic imaginable. New ones are constantly being added.

  • Although it does not have hard disk storage, there are many free sites available where WebTV users can store anywhere from 11mb to 50mb of data, text, or images and develop multipage, personal websites. A name and password will get you into your space where you'll be free to edit, add, or collect items found elsewhere on the net. There are a multitude of sources available which can aid in adding images or other enhancements to web pages (or email) that are also free. Several even offer image manipulation.

  • Buying a printer will open up another vista of free services whereby you can print greeting cards, letter heads, business cards, award certificates, and more. You'll also be able to print digital pictures that friends or family members send you. Information and other items you find on the web can be printed out, too. A computer user would have more flexibility in choosing fonts and purchasing specialized programs, but there is enough available to the WebTV customer to keep him very satisfied.

  • The WebTV Plus unit allows interaction with TV programs that are setup for this. This application is another of the rapidly expanding developments in the internet industry. Another handy feature is the screen grabs that the Plus unit allows you to take. Pictures from the TV or VCR can be captured and placed in your email or on your website


  • Last, but not least, you are free from viruses. The central server takes care of them. Your device has no memory to be affected.

"The world is so full of a number of things I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings." -- Robert Louis Stevenson